Invest with purpose

Invest directly into leading property developments. Providing the flexibility and security to build, maximise and diversify an investment portfolio.

Our principal area of focus is the North of England. The region presents a particularly attractive opportunity for investment. Blending a shortage in supply with strong capital growth potential and proven rental demand. Underpinned by a rising population, high employment prospects, leading universities and outstanding connectivity to the wider region.

We highly value collaboration and strive to partner with like-minded people who share our considered approach to investing and development.

Supporting long-term investors obsessed with performance.

Start. Build. Grow.

  • It all starts with a conversation. Our consultative approach is geared toward understanding your goals and presenting opportunities which help you reach them.

  • Once matched with a project, loan terms are agreed and development loans are issued. Funds are pledged and subsequently transferred prior to the project start date.

  • Our expert team undertake all of the building works, ensuring the highest standards are delivered on schedule.

  • Upon project completion, the initial loan along with a fixed interest are settled. Depending on build scale our projects run between 12 and 24 months.

  • Our approach is to build long term relationships which provide compounding benefits over time.

Any investment puts capital at risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. For further details please see our Key Risks and Key Investor Information. Due to our regulatory obligation to the Financial Services And Markets Act 2000, you are required to declare the type of investor that you are. Registering does not commit you to any investment.

No matter where you are in your investment journey, we are here to help. We’re always open to working with like-minded people who share our values and passion for property.

Become a capital partner